A waitlist allows the student to wait for an open seat in a full class. Being on a waitlist does not guarantee enrollment in the class. 如果注册学生退学, 空缺的座位可以由优先顺序排在候补名单上的下一个学生来填补. Payment within 24 hours is required to complete enrollment in the class.
如果没有空位, 学生可以在最后一天之前向教师申请添加代码,以添加在线列出的特定CRN的截止日期 课程时间表. If the instructor agrees to add the student and gives the student an add code, students must utilize the add code in their MyVCCCD门户 注册课程. Payment f或者是 course must be made to finalize registration.
直到学生的名字出现在当前的教员班级花名册上,学生才被正式注册. Canvas is not the official class roster.
候补名单的流程在学期课程和短期课程中是不同的. 请仔细咨询课程的澳门英皇赌城在线和结束日期,以确定适用哪种流程.
等待名单的过程一直延续到学期的第一周结束,并且只适用于学期长度的课程. 这意味着学生仍然可以将自己的名字添加到学期第一周的候补名单中,并且直到学期第二周澳门英皇赌城在线时才需要添加授权号码.
因为学生们在第一周逃课,调整了他们的课程表还有你开除了不来上课的学生, 他们的离课将会空出一个座位,第一个被列入候补名单的学生将自动被录取. 这将允许候补名单上的所有其他学生向上移动一个位置,并为新学生创造空间,将他们的名字添加到候补名单中.
Waitlists for short term classes close the day 之前 the class begins.
学生 that are waitlisted will have access to Canvas. When a student is waitlisted, they will show up on your roster as waitlisted.
作为候补学生,他们只能在Canvas上学习14天的学期课程. 在短期课程中等待的学生可以作为等待学生最多3天的时间使用Canvas.
这意味着如果学生在分配的时间后没有正式注册,则是候补学生, they will be automatically dropped from the waitlist and lose access to Canvas.
请注意,Canvas的学生名单不是正式的班级花名册. Waitlisted students will show up on the Canvas list, but this does not mean they are officially registered in the course.